First Name
Last Name
Name of Business (es)
How long have you been in business?
What are your reasons for wanting to receive coaching?
If you’d like to start a business, what sort of business would you like to develop? If in business, what’s your vision?
Do you want to develop products or services or both?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of your business (or business idea)?
Who is your target market or who do you want to serve?
What is your target market’s biggest frustration or concern?
What are your specific goals for this coaching program and for taking your life and business to the next level?
What specifically do you want to accomplish before the end of this program?
What has kept you from accomplishing these goals in the past?
Describe your family’s blueprint around money - thoughts, beliefs, habits, and mentality around it.
What’s your money story?
What’s your ideal annual income?
What other personal and business development work have you done? Please list all programs, seminars, teachers, mentors, healers, books etc. that have been part of your development. And which were the most useful to you?
How committed are you to achieving your stated goals? How many hours per week?
What are you willing to change about yourself or your business to accomplish your goals?
What are you most proud of in your life/career so far?
If you could change three things about your life or business, what would they be?
What is going to be the most difficult part, or the biggest obstacle to success for you? What will you need to overcome?
What are your strengths and weaknesses? Be specific.
What’s your intention or non-negotiable goal for this course?
What specifically do you want from me as your coach throughout this process?
Do you have any other comments or questions for me before we begin?
What is the month/day of your birthday? We looooove celebrating over here!
Please share your mailing address? We love sending welcome gifts!